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Equip Your Church to Reach the Ends of the Earth

Partner with Unknown Nations to Fullfill the Great Commission

Unknown Nations invites you to join us in our mission to reach the 7,300+ unreached people groups across the 10/40 window. Together, we can bring the gospel to those who have never heard of Jesus.

What Defines an Unknown Nation?

Unknown nations are groups of people who have never heard the gospel. Our mission is to identify and reach these nations, bringing hope and transformation through Jesus Christ. These nations have no Bibles, no churches, and no known followers of Jesus.

  • No Pastors
  • Barrier Ridden
  • Never Met a Christian
  • 0.00-0.02 Jesus Followers
  • Zero Access
  • No Bibles
  • Spiritually Antagonistic
  • Spoken-Word Dependent
  • No Churches

Ways to Get Involved

In Matthew 28:19, Jesus called us to make disciples of all nations. We are committed to reaching the ends of the Earth, the most distant places spiritually. Join us as we work to establish indigenous church planting movements where Jesus is still unknown.

Prayer Partnership

Commit to regularly praying for the unknown nations and our indigenous leaders serving among them.

Sign Up

Educate Yourself and Others

Contact our team for resources to learn more about nations without access to the gospel.


Invest in the Nations

Your church and missions committee can invest in the training and equipping of indigenous leaders to establish church planting movements.


Partnering with Unknown Nations has transformed our church's approach to missions. By focusing on unreached people groups, we have seen a renewed passion and purpose among our congregation. Unknown Nations provides the resources and guidance needed to make a tangible impact in some of the most spiritually dark places on Earth. We are honored to be a part of this mission to bring the gospel to those who have never heard of Jesus.
Mark Batterson
National Community Church, Washington, D.C.
Our Mission
Unknown Nations to Reach
Our Strategy
Strategic Outposts
Indigenous Missionaries
Leaders Trained Annually
Treasures Distributed



Join Us in Making a Difference

Fill out the form below to learn more about partnering with Unknown Nations.

Ways You Can Help Reach the Ends of the Earth.

Partner Pray Give