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Stories of Impact

From Impossible Places

Salvation from Witchcraft

Salvation from Witchcraft

October 26, 2023 2:01 PM
October 26, 2023 2:01 PM


The Burmese Nation is the largest people group in Myanmar, over thirty-one million individuals. Buddhism overshadows the Burmese society so strongly that only one third of one percent of this people group are estimated to be following Jesus. Anyone who decides to follow Him is doing so at the risk of their very own life. 

Even amidst the crisis of the ongoing coup in Myanmar, our leaders are continuing to diligently follow up with those who received Treasures during the 2022 Christmas outreach. During the outreach, the gospel was clearly shared and Treasures were strategically gifted to those who expressed an interest in knowing more. For many, it was their very first time hearing about Jesus. 

After eagerly listening to their audio Bibles for over six months, some not missing a single day, these dear Burmese individuals had a strong desire to know more about Jesus, and had many questions! As a part of the follow up, our team shared with them for two days, explaining everything in detail from creation to salvation. 

Among these first time hearers is U Hla, who decided to only follow Jesus after listening to the Treasure and meeting with the same culture missionaries who were following up with him so closely. Before becoming a believer, U Hla identified as a witch and had a strong influence in the community. When he made the decision to change the course of his life, his wife and son soon followed. 

Our leader shared, “We baptized the whole family. He shared his testimony of receiving Jesus by listening to the Treasure with tears of joy. In accordance with his proposal, we removed all materials of witchery and various idols of his former religions from his home. Now, he puts his Treasure in that same place! They continue to listen to it by inviting some of their neighbors to join.”

"The Lord is doing great things among our people by the Treasures, beyond our imagination, even though we confront the worst situation ever in our nation."

- Director of Ministry Southeast Asia

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