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Stories of Impact

From Impossible Places

Spring 2023 Update

Spring 2023 Update

March 1, 2023 7:38 PM
March 1, 2023 7:38 PM


On February 21, 2021, the country of Myanmar (formerly Burma) was scheduled to endorse the results of their national election from the previous November. The brutal military regime opposed the woman who won in a landslide, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. The result was a violent military coup that led to the imprisonment of the legally victorious candidate and destroyed hopes for democratic reforms in this strategic Southeast Asian nation. That occurred two years ago, and today, the residual effects are still having tragic consequences, especially among Christians. 

As atrocities mount, the suffering of the Burmese people has become unimaginable.

Over 1.2 million people are internally displaced because of government oppression. Christians have stood firmly against this brutal regime and are paying the price. The military has attacked many villages and indiscriminately targeted those who oppose their illegal siege of the country. Innocent men, women and children have been imprisoned and killed for standing up for peace. Credible sources estimate more than 34,000 civilian structures, including homes, clinics, schools and churches, have been destroyed during the coup.

Our key relationships in the country shared a recent incident where an entire village was destroyed. It had been the home of Unknown Nations partners and friends sharing the gospel throughout Myanmar. These innocent people have lost everything! We immediately equipped our indigenous leaders who were going into these areas to minister. Many had fled during the attacks, and some were still missing, but the remaining villagers needed urgent assistance to help them survive the winter cold. Our leaders consoled the victims and offered humanitarian assistance alongside Treasures (audio Bibles). 

Now, even the Buddhist leaders in the community are feeling a different kind of love in the midst of despair. They are eager to learn more about Jesus. 

In the past month since mobilization of aid to that village, ten people have received Jesus and are eagerly listening to the audio Bibles. 

The atrocities in Myanmar are a perfect example of how the Body of Christ can make a significant impact in a place that seems hopeless. We choose to go where the environment is hardened and looks the most bleak. That is where Jesus would go! Now it is our opportunity. 

More Burmese leaders have come forward who want to be further discipled, trained and mobilized in the midst of these two challenging years. 

They realize the only hope for their country is the gospel message. Eternal hope! 

Together in the Harvest, 

Greg Kelley, CEO

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