Stories of Impact
From Impossible Places

Thanks for helping make 2021 the most impactful year in the 27 year history of Unknown Nations! More solar powered audio Bibles, micro sd cards and Jesus Film projectors have been sent in 2021 than any other year. That means millions of people (more than 7 million to be accurate) heard about Christ for the first time in their lives because of what we did together! That truly is amazing but when you realize the condition of the world in which we live, it makes it all the more rewarding.
God has called our organization to the hardest areas of the world, places where Jesus is unknown and where hostilities to the gospel are intense. We minister in places like Bangui, Central Africa Republic, where in February 2021, rebel groups laid siege to this capital city and choked off the community (and political leaders) from any outside assistance. Those who attempted to flee were kidnapped or killed. But you and I were there together! We helped the innocent who were displaced with urgently needed humanitarian supplies and most importantly, the precious Word of God. Remarkably, those who were victims were eager to share those Bibles with their attackers!
Other African nations were not spared turmoil. In fact, according to a 2021 index that monitors fragile states, 15 of the top 20 are from the precious African continent. Places like Somalia, South Sudan, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ethiopia are all on that dreadful list. Several of these countries experienced a military coup to compound matters! Chad, Mali, Guinea and Sudan all went through the horrors of government takeovers in 2021. All of this instability is crushing to new democracies and the cause of unspeakable humanitarian crisis. But friend, you were in all of these places in 2021 proclaiming the goodness of the gospel message.
It is during times of crisis that hearts are most open to the gospel. We have experienced that for over 25 years, which is why we lean in to the places where the circumstances seem the most bleak.
- Places where refugees are struggling for survival in inhumane camps
- Places where war has separated families and destroyed communities
- Places where violent persecution has destroyed churches and imprisoned believers
Over the next several weeks we must go to some specific places…….where no one else has gone. Afghan refugees are flooding into make-shift camps in Pakistan. As winter arrives these precious people who have escaped the horrors of Afghanistan will struggle for survival. They need blankets, daily food rations and most importantly……the Word of God.
We just received a report that over 200 Afghans have received Christ from listening to our audio Bibles!
Rohingya refugees who make up the largest refugee camp in the world are equally struggling in Bangladesh. The Burmese military who unmercifully tormented them in Myanmar have pushed them to a place where no human being was intended to live. These camps are filled with sick families and are preyed upon by gangs seeking to traffick young girls and recruit young men to rebel forces and drug running. Life is difficult and no one is prioritizing them for the sake of the Gospel. The Rohingya and Afghans are people groups that are more than 99% Muslim. Now their hearts are open to the Good News. May we go there with boldness!
Our group of international leaders are overseeing 4 underground churches in these camps. They listen to the Word of God every day and share their faith with other refugees.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free. Luke 4:18
Together in the Harvest,
Greg Kelly, CEO
Your support lets us share the Treasure of the Gospel one person at a time.