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Stories of Impact

From Impossible Places

Back from Bangladesh

Back from Bangladesh

November 1, 2022 5:24 PM
November 1, 2022 5:24 PM


I recently returned home from Bangladesh. This country is located on the Eastern side of India on the Bay of Bengal and is home to the largest unreached people group in the world, the Bengali Shaikh. The Shaikh number 132 million people and are 0.00% Christian.

Even though Bangladesh is about the size of Michigan’s lower peninsula, this people group has the equivalent population of California, Texas, Florida, New York and Illinois combined! While the numbers are overwhelming, our indigenous leaders are making inroads to reach the Shaikh people. When visiting the cities of Dhaka and Chittagong, we learned about many Bengali who had given their lives to Christ through the ministry of our indigenous leaders who are distributing Treasures and establishing listening groups.

Ministry in the Hill Tracts

Bangladesh is also home to other people groups who are just as needy for the gospel but very underserved and in most instances completely ‘off the grid’. They live in the Chittagong Hill Tract area which is the highest elevation area of Bangladesh, near the southeast border with India and Myanmar. These people, including the Tipura, Marma and Chakma, are in desperate need. It is unknown how many are true followers of Jesus but it is safe to say it is below 5%.

Not only do they suffer from a spiritual drought, they have been terrorized for decades by the majority Bengali people. They take their land, kidnap and traffic their children, sexually assault the women, and commit acts of genocide. These precious people have suffered! 

The good news is that our teams have been devoted to taking the gospel into these hills for the past three years. Churches are being planted as Treasure listening groups are established. Leaders are being mentored to lead this first generation body of believers. Schools have been established to give children an education while also protecting them from being abducted while unattended during the work day. All of these are examples of the gospel causing transformation!

Please join us in continuing to pray for the Shaikh people and those living in the Hill Tract.

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