Stories of Impact

From Impossible Places

Fall 2022 Update

Fall 2022 Update

September 1, 2022 12:35 PM
September 1, 2022 12:35 PM


Sometimes we know God is working by the fruit - the testimonies and baptisms of those who come to know Jesus for the first time. Other times, we know God is working when we see the response to the Treasure (audio Bible) from those who feel threatened by it. 

Recently, we sent some Treasures into an area of Central Africa for our indigenous partner on the ground to distribute in nearby Muslim villages. We cannot disclose the specific area for safety reasons, but this particular people group is 100% Muslim and persecutes Christians regularly. Our partner shared with us the dangers of distributing Treasures there, but also shared of their passion for bringing the gospel to this unreached area. 

Shortly thereafter, our indigenous leader sent us an urgent request for prayer for his network of missionaries. He shared a video that was circulating amongst Muslim Imams (leaders) and it featured the Treasure playing. The video warned the Muslim leaders of the impact the Treasure is having in their communities! 

The Muslim man speaking in the video warns that the Treasure is “dangerous because it impacts the heart language” of the people. 

Our partner shares that the message of the Treasure is impactful because it is in the heart language (native language) of the people and Islam promotes only Arabic. 

The video promises that the Muslim community will identify those who are recording “those Christian things” in their language and then warns that those distributing them will be punished, beaten or even killed. He also tells them not to allow their children to attend “those Christian schools” that our partner is setting up. 

This area in Central Africa boasts over 2 million people and virtually 100% are Muslim. Seventy percent of them are nomadic without access to the gospel or formal education. One way of gaining access, which education and provide veterinary care for their animals. 

Given the open hostility to the Gospel - under literal threat of death - we are working to reach this group through a school on wheels program. A vehicle will be equipped with educational materials to teach the children as well as basic veterinary medicine to provide care for their animals. As herdsmen, their animals are their primary asset and care of them is of utmost concern. The people will also continue to be provided with Treasures in their native language so they can listen as families and groups. We have found that a single Treasure can impact up to 144 people. 

Imagine the impact that the Good News can have amongst these people! 

Many in this area have grown hostile to the outside world and society because they haven’t received education or aid. This project will help model peace and hope to the people from a young age. They will be able to know Christ through this project as the gospel will be preached. 

Please join us in prayer. Our international partner in this area asked us to pray for these needs: 

  • Pray for his network of missionaries on the ground who are distributing the Treasures - that God will preserve and protect them. 
  • Pray for the message of salvation and that God will open the hearts of this precious group of people. 
  • Pray for God to provide, protect, and give wisdom to those serving in this area. 


Greg Kelley CEO

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