Stories of Impact
From Impossible Places

Happy New Year! All of us at Unknown Nations wish you a wonderful 2023. As you start this year, we pray that the Lord gives you faces and places to take the Good News. Find the lives that God intends for you to impact for eternity this year. If we all took that challenge, 2023 would end up being a phenomenal year!
At Unknown Nations, when we think of lives to impact, the unreached are front and center.
They live in places where the name of Jesus has never been spoken, and do not have access to the gospel message! How is it still possible, in January of 2023, that this could be true? Unfortunately, it is true for billions of people. The good news is that we know where they live, which allows us to mobilize resources in a very strategic manner.
You probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you that 47 of the 100 largest unreached people groups in the world are living within the single country of India?! This is why India is a huge priority for us and why we send thousands of Treasures into this country every month. If you are curious, those 47 people groups amount to more than 670 million people—all without access to the gospel!
As you partner with us and take the gospel where it has never been, you are mobilizing world-changing leaders who love Jesus. YOU literally set them in motion through your investment. World-changers like Rinku, a precious leader who was crippled years ago by polio. She literally walks by moving her feet with her hands, urgently traveling from one village to the next to bring the hope of the gospel. Rinku came to know Jesus through listening to the Treasure last year. Since that time, she has led 100 people to Christ through the Treasure!
When one of our team members was praying for Rinku, they felt prompted to ask what she wanted from the Lord, her answer shocked us all! Without any hesitation, she said, “to receive more boldness and power in the Holy Spirit to share the gospel.” Because of you, she is taking the gospel where it has never been. Let’s consider Rinku when we ask the Lord what it looks like to take new ground in 2023.
Your support lets us share the Treasure of the Gospel one person at a time.