Stories of Impact
From Impossible Places

It is amazing that we are almost at the end of another year. But it was not just any year. We are coming to the close of 2020 - the year that most of us would rather forget and move on to fresh beginnings and unrestricted living. However, I believe that 2020 was a year to establish transformational principles and truths within our lives. I wanted to share the key truth that God established at Unknown Nations as we worked through the COVID epidemic.
Never compromise your highest priority, especially in the midst of trials.
Our most valued goal at Unknown Nations is to get the gospel into the hands of people who do not have access. No missionary. No bible. No church. No Christians!
As we gathered data for the last 12 months of impact, we celebrated how God used our solar powered audio Bibles to transform lives and penetrate darkened people groups who had NEVER been exposed to the gospel. Because of you 19,886 people received Christ and 8,597 people were water baptized! All in a 12 month window. Thank you!!!!
While we celebrate what the Lord has done, we are even more compelled by our primary goal. We will never stop pressing into these unreached lands and people groups. The enemy has tried to discourage and distract us in the midst of these amazing testimonies. Our partners are relentlessly persecuted. They are chased from their homes and communities. Every month we hear of a leader distributing Treasures who was beaten, imprisoned or even killed. The enemy is active and fighting to protect these untouched lands that he has controlled for generations. That control is being taken back. We will not back down!!!
Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. ~ Joshua 1:9
Together, we will continue to advance into these spiritually void regions of the world. The gospel will be established and the kingdom of God will multiply! Imagine the transformation that can only take place through the power of the gospel in lands that once had ZERO exposure to the gospel! Our goal for the end of 2020 is to send 1,000 Treasures into each of these 3 strategic fields.
- The Horn of Africa – 56 million unreached people. We will send Afar, Somali and Oromo units.
- Bangladesh – 162 million unreached people. We will send Bengali and Rohingya units.
- Indonesia – 169 million unreached people. We will send Javanese and Indonesian units.
When the gospel goes into these areas it will not return void. That is a promise from the Lord!
Together in the Harvest,
Greg Kelley, CEO
Your support lets us share the Treasure of the Gospel one person at a time.