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Stories of Impact

From Impossible Places

God Makes Himself Known to T & S

God Makes Himself Known to T & S

December 1, 2023 10:24 AM
December 1, 2023 10:24 AM


T and S are neighbors. After the Taliban seized control, the situation in their village rapidly worsened. Six months ago, T’s husband went to a bigger city to find work and never returned home. Her neighbor, S, is a widow. As women living under the Taliban’s control, they are not allowed to work or leave their homes. If they do, they could face severe punishment. 

At one point, these women went three days without any food. They lost all hope and decided to take their own lives and the lives of their children. At the same time, a member from our indigenous leader’s team had a dream. In this dream, God spoke to him and told him to go to a village that was over 100 miles away. He also gave him the names of two woman in that village who needed food because they intended to end their lives. Then God said, “Tell them I love them and I have bigger plans for them.”

This team member faithfully responded to the directions God gave him and went to the village with bags of food. With the help of some locals, he reached T’s house and knocked on her door. When she answered, the team member said, “Here is a food packet for you and I have one more for a woman named S.”

After they had received their food, the team member shared with T and S who had sent him. They both answered, “We don’t know who this Jesus is, we’ve never heard about Him.” And in this beautiful moment, doors opened for these women to hear the gospel message and about a God who loves them. Both T and S repented and surrendered their lives to Jesus. They were also given audio Bibles in their heart language to continue learning and growing in the Lord.

While we can’t share the full details of this story due to security reasons, we can’t help but be humbled by the amazing ways God is moving to make His name known. T and S’s story has only begun, please join us in praying for these brand new believers! Pray that as they listen to God’s Word, He will reveal Himself more fully and strengthen their faith as they discover the big plans that God has for their lives.

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