Stories of Impact
From Impossible Places

We received a beautiful video from our partner showing a group of women circling around a Treasure with their arms stretched out over the audio Bible in passionate prayer. Here’s what our Indigenous Leader shared:
These women are praying and giving thanks that they have an audio Bible. They remember the day when they would take the Holy Bible in their hands and cry to the Lord because they wanted to read God’s Words. But today they received a Treasure and thanked God by prayer and song.
Here at Unknown Nations, we are laser focused on reaching places where the gospel has never been. Our team is working on the front lines and they are taking new ground for the Kingdom. With over 25 years of experience, we’ve learned that most individuals living in our area of focus are oral learners. This means that they are either illiterate or come from a storytelling culture, preferring to learn in a non-literate way.
Just this month, we’ve received countless testimonies from our indigenous leaders. They are witnessing the power of hearing God’s Word in one’s heart language and the opportunities this brings for exponential growth.
One testimony came from an elderly woman who was praying to God for many days for an audio Bible because she didn’t know how to read. She asked God, “How should I hear your Word every day?” Finally, her prayers were answered when she received a Treasure through our network. She shared, “The Word of God in this audio Bible refreshes me and gives me spiritual strength...I am so happy now!” Your support is making an impact in spreading the good news to ALL Nations!
Your support lets us share the Treasure of the Gospel one person at a time.