Vigilante mob kills Pakistani Christian over alleged blasphemy

Pakistan (MNN) — Mob violence has claimed another life in Pakistan. We reported that 74-year-old Nazir Masih, a Pakistani Christian, was attacked on May 25 after he was accused of burning pages from the Koran.

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Cyclone Remal response provides Gospel opportunity

Bangladesh (MNN) — Cyclone response is underway in Bangladesh, but the United Nations says more help is needed. UN teams are distributing hygiene kits and water purification tablets as water sources remain contaminated in the aftermath of Cyclone Remal.

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Summer 2024 Update

I recently returned home from Bangladesh. It represents ground zero and the center of the bullseye for our vision at Unknown Nations. It is a country that is the same size as the state of Wisconsin. There are 6 million people who live in Wisconsin while 172 million live in Bangladesh, making it one of the most densely populated places on Earth! Within those 172 million people in Bangladesh are 298 different nations (people groups), including the Bengali Muslim who are the largest unreached nation in the world!

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Victims of Kenya floods include unreached people groups

Kenya (MNN) — Heavy rainfall continues to plague Kenya. The deluge is causing floods and landslides across 80 percent of the country.

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Houthis team up with Al-Qaeda in Yemen

Yemen (MNN) — An unexpected pair poses a new threat to Yemen. The Iran-backed Houthis are working with a feared local branch of Al-Qaeda on several fronts, including prisoner swaps and weapon deliveries.

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Stories of Impact

From Impossible Places

Vigilante mob kills Pakistani Christian over alleged blasphemy

Vigilante mob kills Pakistani Christian over alleged blasphemy

June 10, 2024 1:37 PM
June 10, 2024 1:37 PM


Pakistan (MNN) — Mob violence has claimed another life in Pakistan. We reported that 74-year-old Nazir Masih, a Pakistani Christian, was attacked on May 25 after he was accused of burning pages from the Koran.

By Lyndsey Koh | June 10, 2024

Pakistan (MNN) — Mob violence has claimed another life in Pakistan. We reported that 74-year-old Nazir Masih, a Pakistani Christian, was attacked on May 25 after he was accused of burning pages from the Koran.

The radical Muslim mob beat him unconscious, and his family was placed under police protection. Last week, Masih passed away from his injuries. He was a well-respected businessman in his community.

Greg Kelley with Unknown Nations says no Pakistani Christian is safe from false blasphemy charges and the vigilante mob.

“Many of them are just ginned up, false accusations. But the point of that is that the justice system is really afraid because once it gets said that an individual violated a blasphemy law, then the court systems are in a tricky spot because they’re afraid. They know what the power of the mob is [and] that vigilante justice that will kick in.”

Although there is fear, videos from Masih’s funeral showed fellow believers publicly praising Jesus.

Pray faithful Christians in Pakistan would cling to and proclaim the Gospel.

“We need to pray that truth is revealed,” Kelley says. “We need to pray that these Christian leaders would have boldness and they would have courage. If they were here, that’s what they would be asking for. They would say, ‘Pray that I have boldness. Pray that I have courage.’”

Please also pray for the attackers, that they would recognize their need for a Savior in Jesus Christ.


Header photo courtesy of Junaid Nawaz/Unsplash.

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Cyclone Remal response provides Gospel opportunity

Cyclone Remal response provides Gospel opportunity

June 7, 2024 1:29 PM
June 7, 2024 1:29 PM


Bangladesh (MNN) — Cyclone response is underway in Bangladesh, but the United Nations says more help is needed. UN teams are distributing hygiene kits and water purification tablets as water sources remain contaminated in the aftermath of Cyclone Remal.

By Katie Hearth | June 7, 2024

Bangladesh (MNN) — Cyclone response is underway in Bangladesh, but the United Nations says more help is needed. UN teams are distributing hygiene kits and water purification tablets as water sources remain contaminated in the aftermath of Cyclone Remal.

Greg Kelley with Unknown Nations says Bangladesh’s geography makes it particularly vulnerable. “The Bay of Bengal is a breeding ground for cyclones,” he explains.

“Every year, it’s not a matter of if but when the cyclones come up. So, you’ve got this massive, highly concentrated area of humanity in low-lying areas, and when a storm comes through, it’s devastating.”

Cyclone Remal, the first tropical storm of the season, hit Bangladesh and eastern India last week. Extremely heavy rain and high-speed winds battered the area for more than 36 hours, making Remal one of the longest cyclones in Bangladesh’s history.

More than three million people were affected in Muslim-majority Bangladesh.

“Electricity is still out in different places; it’s not just your house [that gets] affected, but when the storm surges come in, it destroys all their crops,” Kelley says.

“Their literal source of existence is destroyed, and it’s months and months before they can recover.”

Pray for endurance for the believers meeting storm survivors’ tangible and spiritual needs.

“It’s a great opportunity to come alongside, be the hands and feet of Jesus,” Kelley says. “We’ve heard countless stories of Muslims receiving Jesus in the aftermath of a disaster like the cyclone that just hit Bangladesh.”


Header image shows path of Cyclone Remal through the Bay of Bengal. (Wikimedia Commons)

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Summer 2024 Update

Summer 2024 Update

June 3, 2024 2:01 PM
June 3, 2024 2:01 PM


I recently returned home from Bangladesh. It represents ground zero and the center of the bullseye for our vision at Unknown Nations. It is a country that is the same size as the state of Wisconsin. There are 6 million people who live in Wisconsin while 172 million live in Bangladesh, making it one of the most densely populated places on Earth! Within those 172 million people in Bangladesh are 298 different nations (people groups), including the Bengali Muslim who are the largest unreached nation in the world!

Dear friend, 

I recently returned home from Bangladesh. It represents ground zero and the center of the bullseye for our vision at Unknown Nations. It is a country that is the same size as the state of Wisconsin. There are 6 million people who live in Wisconsin while 172 million live in Bangladesh, making it one of the most densely populated places on Earth! Within those 172 million people in Bangladesh are 298 different nations (people groups), including the Bengali Muslim who are the largest unreached nation in the world!

Reaching the Bengali Muslim

The Bengali people are a nation of 132 million people, yet less than 1 in 10,000 are Christian. They are in desperate need of a gospel witness. Ministry is difficult in this hostile environment because of cultural persecution. Family members completely reject, and often persecute, other family members who receive Christ. Communities refuse water and food to those who dare be baptized. Children are turned away from schools because their families decide to follow Jesus.

Persecution is a daily reality for those who decide to follow Jesus. The Bengali Muslim people need more Treasures and clean water projects. Seeing the living water arrive in this parched land will bring both physical and heart transformation. The key, however, for exponential transformation is the discipleship and training of Bengali leaders. The only way for the Bengali to be effectively reached is by their ability to raise up leaders who will go and make disciples!

Unknown Nations Training Centers

At Unknown Nations, we have prioritized the establishment of our training centers to do exactly that. The fruit of disciple-making movements in existing locations has been amazing! Nigeria, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Myanmar and Philippines are just a few examples of the many locations where we have established these centers to train leaders.

At any given point, we are training hundreds of leaders in these centers. For instance, we recently celebrated the graduation of 130 leaders from our center in Nepal and another 90 are in the current class there. Local Nepali leaders are pouring into these precious lives that will soon be canvassing the vast Himalayan Mountains, searching for those who have never heard of Jesus. They will distribute Treasures and establish listening groups in order to plant indigenous churches. Equipped with essential Treasure and other ministry tools, they are the hands and feet of Jesus, showing His love to others for the first time.



We need to train indigenous leaders so that nations can experience the love of Jesus. The local people are ready to sacrifice their lives for this calling. They willingly go into the most spiritually antagonistic environments and face cultural and political persecution. In fact, 5 of our recent graduates from a closed access country just gave the ultimate sacrifice. They were exposed as they led people to Christ and established underground churches, only to face a public execution. That is the reality these graduates face. One leader told me they expect these new leaders to live anywhere from 3 months to 3 years. He said,  “Anything beyond that would be a miracle.” These new leaders step boldly with faith into the calling that God has on their lives.

Let’s finish the task of taking the gospel to those nations where Jesus is unknown!

Together in the Harvest, 

Greg Kelley, CEO

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Victims of Kenya floods include unreached people groups

Victims of Kenya floods include unreached people groups

May 23, 2024 1:25 PM
May 23, 2024 1:25 PM


Kenya (MNN) — Heavy rainfall continues to plague Kenya. The deluge is causing floods and landslides across 80 percent of the country.

By Katie Hearth | May 23, 2024

Kenya (MNN) — Heavy rainfall continues to plague Kenya. The deluge is causing floods and landslides across 80 percent of the country.

The floods have displaced more than 280,000 people since early April, and at least 277 have lost their lives.

“For the better part of the last couple of decades, so much of Kenya has been in drought,” Unknown Nations’ Greg Kelley says.

 “Anytime you go from the extremes of drought conditions into excessive rains, it’s always going to be traumatic.”

While a large percentage of Kenya’s population knows and follows Christ, there are pockets of unreached people groups – mostly in the refugee community. These groups are affected by the flooding, too.

“It (natural disaster) creates a tremendous opportunity for us, as the body of Christ, to come alongside people and love them in Jesus’s name,” Kelley says, describing efforts to help Kenyan believers affected by the flooding.

“But also, let’s not miss the opportunity to share the Gospel where it’s most needed.”

Pray that responding Christians can identify groups who don’t know the Lord and will share the Gospel as they give out humanitarian aid.

“Unreached people have the same concerns as the Christian community has. They want to provide for their children, have a roof over their heads, clothing, and access to food, just like any other human being,” Kelley says.

“When you are in a disaster situation, that desperation makes you question everything. What better time for the Body of Christ to come alongside and declare the love of Jesus?”


Header image is a representative stock photo courtesy of Hermann Traub/Pixabay.

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Houthis team up with Al-Qaeda in Yemen

Houthis team up with Al-Qaeda in Yemen

May 15, 2024 1:15 PM
May 15, 2024 1:15 PM


Yemen (MNN) — An unexpected pair poses a new threat to Yemen. The Iran-backed Houthis are working with a feared local branch of Al-Qaeda on several fronts, including prisoner swaps and weapon deliveries.

By Katie Hearth | May 15, 2024

Yemen (MNN) — An unexpected pair poses a new threat to Yemen. The Iran-backed Houthis are working with a feared local branch of Al-Qaeda on several fronts, including prisoner swaps and weapon deliveries.

Unknown Nations’ Greg Kelley says the partnership creates even more danger by adding another layer of chaos to war-torn Yemen. Currently, “you have the Houthis fighting, you have the military involved, and then you have Saudi Arabia and Iran doing a proxy war inside of Yemen,” Kelley says.

The constant instability hinders aid deliveries to people in need. Meanwhile, sanctions hurt the economy and lower the buying power of Yemeni families. As a result, “You have millions and millions of people who are affected and at risk of dying of hunger,” Kelley says.

“Yemen is in the top five percent [of] greatest need from a humanitarian and a spiritual condition.”

Half of Yemen’s population, more than 17 million people, face severe hunger. A more significant percentage desperately needs Jesus, the Bread of Life. “Almost 100 percent of Yemenis are Muslim, and less than one-half of one percent are followers of Jesus,” Kelley says.

“Most of them have never heard the Gospel in their life.”

Christian activity is strictly forbidden in Yemen, so Unknown Nations trains Yemeni Gospel workers in Egypt. Contact Unknown Nations here for more details and ways to help.

“We’re training leaders; we are sending in solar-powered audio Bibles because the majority of the population in Yemen don’t read,” Kelley says.

Pray believers will have Gospel opportunities as they bring physical help to people who need it most. “Because the humanitarian crisis is so devastating, it’s a tremendous opportunity for the body of Christ, as we deploy aid into that place, to also share the love of Jesus,” Kelley says.


Header image depicts an April 2020 bombing in Yemen. (Photo courtesy of Felton Davis/Flickr/CC2.0)

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Spring 2024 Update

Spring 2024 Update

March 29, 2024 3:32 PM
March 29, 2024 3:32 PM


During one of my recent trips, I met the owner of a brick kiln in Pakistan. On the surface, he appeared to be a well respected, successful business leader in his community. Behind the scenes, he exhibited many of the cruelest expressions of humanity.

Dear friend, 

During one of my recent trips, I met the owner of a brick kiln in Pakistan. On the surface, he appeared to be a well respected, successful business leader in his community. Behind the scenes, he exhibited many of the cruelest expressions of humanity.

This kiln owner would beat and sexually abuse the enslaved women for not meeting their daily 1,500 quota for making bricks. He chained men to trees for taking a drink of water at the wrong time of day. And perhaps the most heinous of all, taking children from their parents when they didn’t meet his demands and selling them into the horrors of sex trafficking for a few extra bucks! Can you imagine trying to survive in a scarier environment?

Unfortunately, this experience does not represent the exception, it is the norm for more than 5,000 brick kiln owners across Pakistan.

Yet, in a moment, everything changed for this man and his 2,000 slaves. 

Our team shared the gospel with this man and he fell under conviction of the Holy Spirit and surrendered all to Christ! The change was immediate and dramatic.

The first sign of transformation came when a middle-aged woman hysterically lunged at my feet. I quickly realized that her tears were of complete jubilation. Through her tears, she explained that the 2-year-old daughter she lovingly held in her arms would no longer be sold! Since the child was born, the brick kiln owner had been threatening the mother. He planned to sell the child into trafficking when she turned five, ensuring she would never be seen again.

This mother was the first person the newly-reformed kiln owner saw after receiving Jesus. He promptly told her that the child was safe and that he would never separate the two. Over and over again, the sobbing mother thanked our team. 

Another woman in her mid sixties embraced a member of our team. She was older with health issues and could not make the brick quota. Upon his transformation, the slave owner released her and her family instantly from a bondage they had endured for two generations. She was exuberant!


Before we left an hour later word had spread that another four families had been set free. This man was going on a rampage for Jesus! And his first targets of this newfound compassion and love, were those he had oppressed the most. 

When we met with this kiln owner a second time, he told our team how he had seen Jesus. He was committed to becoming a new man transformed in the power of Jesus. Repeatedly he asked us why we hadn’t come earlier and why he hadn’t been informed sooner. He said he would not have done those heinous things if he had only known Jesus! 

This is just the beginning of this incredible testimony. Our team of indigenous missionaries on the ground will continue to walk alongside this man and disciple him. Work must also be done to help the slaves he’s released and those who will become free. We have the ability to assist him in freeing slaves across more than ten kilns under his ownership. 

Would you help us pray for this man and his slaves? Pray that his fire for Jesus continues to grow and govern his actions and that his testimony will spread like wildfire from one kiln owner to the next. 



This is how the horrific brick kiln culture will be transformed in Pakistan. Owners who control these businesses must come into contact with the gospel and slaves must be set free. That is our mission at Unknown Nations, bringing light into the darkest corners of the Earth - places where Jesus is not yet known. We invite you to join us! 

In the bonds of Calvary, 

Greg Kelley, CEO

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Witch doctor turns to Christ — “I saw them burn up”

Witch doctor turns to Christ — “I saw them burn up”

March 27, 2024 3:49 PM
March 27, 2024 3:49 PM


Pakistan (MNN) — When Unknown Nations gospel workers entered a slum in Pakistan, a prominent witch doctor thought he was ready for them.

By Katie O'Malley | March 27, 2024

Pakistan (MNN) — When Unknown Nations gospel workers entered a slum in Pakistan, a prominent witch doctor thought he was ready for them.

“These (slums) are places where people are living amongst the trash. These are people groups most of (whom) have never heard the gospel before, and they’re controlled by witch doctors,” says Greg Kelley with Unknown Nations. Human trafficking and human sacrifice are also horrible realities there.

“When the Bible says that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, that is a literal statement in the Bible, and that is real and active in Pakistan.”

The witch doctor summoned two powerful demons to harm the Christians, but things didn’t go as he expected. He later shared with the Christians, “I saw them burn up.”

The man asked them what they had done to make this happen. 

“We said, ‘Sir, we didn’t do anything. But the reason that those demons were burned up is because of Jesus and the power of God.’ So we shared the gospel with him, and this guy gave his life to Christ,” Kelley says.

The man immediately turned away from witchcraft. He has begun to learn God’s Word and be discipled by local Christian leaders Unknown Nations partners with, who take action immediately in situations like this.

This spiritual 180 has angered the people the man was leading.

“He’s absolutely in danger. I mean, these places are very dark. Any place where there’s human sacrificing going on, the disregard for human life is just, it’s unimaginable,” Kelley says.

Please pray for this new brother in Christ, that the trappings of his old life will have no hold on him whatsoever.

“Pray that (he) continues to keep his heart open to the Lord. Pray that he has the courage to be able to step away from those (former, evil relationships) and into his new, healthy relationships,” Kelley says.


Header photo is a representative stock image of a man in Pakistan courtesy of Syed Muazzam Ali Taqi/Unsplash.

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Pakistan’s 2024 general election came in the wake of violence

Pakistan’s 2024 general election came in the wake of violence

February 8, 2024 3:57 PM
February 8, 2024 3:57 PM


Pakistan (MNN) — Pakistan’s general election reaches its climax today as people go to the polls for national as well as provincial leaders amid recent tensions. On Wednesday a pair of explosions near the offices of two election candidates in Baluchistan killed more than two dozen people and wounded dozens more.

By Katie O'Malley | February 8, 2024

Pakistan (MNN) — Pakistan’s general election reaches its climax today as people go to the polls for national as well as provincial leaders amid recent tensions. On Wednesday a pair of explosions near the offices of two election candidates in Baluchistan killed more than two dozen people and wounded dozens more.

Greg Kelley with Unknown Nations says, “Our people on the ground are telling us there’s two main parties that are kind of leading the pack, but neither one of them have the energy or the majority, in and of themselves. So there’s probably going to be some form of a coalition.”

One party is the Pakistan Muslim League. “Under their leadership in the past, churches have been burned to the ground, pastors [and] believers have been killed. They really welcome this kind of mob mentality vigilante justice, that there’s no accountability.”

Meanwhile, the People’s Party tends to represent those considered lower class. It also stands for minority groups, which in Pakistan includes Christians.

“When it comes down to the impact on the Kingdom, from a Christian perspective worldview, we are looking at two of the most isolated countries in the world when it comes to the Gospel,” Kelley says of Pakistan and its neighbor Iran.

“God is doing great things in Pakistan as well [as Iran] right now. Anytime that the Gospel is moving, there’s going to be adversarial attempts to diminish that. I think right now Christians are in the crosshairs of everything going on in Pakistan and Iran.”

Pray for new government leaders in Pakistan who will protect the rights of minority groups.

“We need to be praying that anytime there’s transition in countries like this, it’s [an] opportunit[y] for the gospel,” says Kelley.

Click here to learn more about Unknown Nations’ work to reach the ends of the earth with the hope of Christ.


Header photo of Election Commission of Pakistan, 2018 courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

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Little outcry for Christmas massacre in central Nigeria

Little outcry for Christmas massacre in central Nigeria

January 5, 2024 4:04 PM
January 5, 2024 4:04 PM


Nigeria (MNN) — As Christians around the world prepared to celebrate Christmas, the day turned into a nightmare for over 32 Christian villages in central Nigeria.

By Lyndsey Koh | January 5, 2024

Nigeria (MNN) — As Christians around the world prepared to celebrate Christmas, the day turned into a nightmare for over 32 Christian villages in central Nigeria.

On Christmas Eve, Muslim extremists went on a killing spree that lasted into the following Christmas Day — largely targeting believers, pastors, and their families.

At least 160 people were killed; mostly women, children, and elderly.  Greg Kelley, CEO of Unknown Nations (formerly World Mission), says the death toll could be closer to 300.

However, from both the Nigerian government and the international community, there has been very little outcry.

Kelley says in Nigeria, “There’s been one administration elected after another who these atrocities are falling on deaf ears, and the frustration that is mounting within the Christian community is almost indescribable because these terrorists are attacking ruthlessly these communities.

“I mean, they’re not just killing people. They’re torturing people. They’re taking children from their parents. They’re killing the elderly. They’re taking people’s homes and possessions and just occupying them. It is living hell for these people.”

In 2021, the Biden Administration in the United States removed Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern, despite the strong recommendation by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) and ongoing bipartisan appeals.

The Biden Administration’s failure to reconsider Nigeria as a CPC means less international pressure on these human rights violations and attacks on Nigerian Christians.

“One of the ways you can put pressure is you put them on these terrorist lists and call it out,” says Kelley. “That affects foreign funding, that affects aid that’s coming in, that affects these meetings that Secretary of State levels are having. In the absence of that, it allows the perpetrators to run scot-free.”

Unknown Nations works with over 150 local missionaries in this area of Nigeria. Kelley says, “We’re constantly having to relocate them when the attacks happen. They’re running for their lives as well along with all the other civilians. So we’re constantly having to move missionaries from place to place.

The astounding thing is, “They’re trying to save their lives and that of their families, but they are as bold and courageous as anyone we’ve ever met. So they will go back in there and they’re happy to share the Gospel in these areas, but it’s the constant disruption. It makes it very difficult for Gospel activity.”

These disciples of Christ are passionately sharing God’s Word in North Eastern Nigeria.

Unknown Nations is currently in touch with Nigerian Christians affected by the Christmas massacre, and offering tangible biblical support.

“There is a ton of trauma that we are dealing with right now for the missionaries and the survivors. So we are really mobilizing into having trauma healing training for those survivors to help them navigate this and to go through a journey in a biblical way.”

Pray for justice, comfort, and deep healing from the trauma. Pray also for the attackers to have profound encounters with Jesus Christ, that they would know God’s forgiveness and grace, and take the Gospel to their own communities.

Pray for the Church and the world to wake up to what is happening to our Nigerian Christian brothers and sisters.



Header photo courtesy of Tope A Asokere/Unsplash.

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How do anti-conversion laws and blasphemy laws differ, and why does it matter?

How do anti-conversion laws and blasphemy laws differ, and why does it matter?

January 3, 2024 10:29 AM
January 3, 2024 10:29 AM


International (MNN) — Do you know the difference between anti-conversion and blasphemy laws?

Greg Kelley of Unknown Nations, formerly World Mission, explains, “Anti-conversion laws boil down to proselytizing. Blasphemy is where people are thrown in jail over what somebody said they heard.”

By Katey Hearth | January 3, 2024

International (MNN) — Do you know the difference between anti-conversion and blasphemy laws?

Greg Kelley of Unknown Nations, formerly World Mission, explains, “Anti-conversion laws boil down to proselytizing. Blasphemy is where people are thrown in jail over what somebody said they heard.”

For example, in the case of blasphemy laws, “There will be third-party accusations that have no merit, yet [they become] actionable,” Kelley says.

“[Believers are] thrown in jail, or beaten, or mobs show up and burn your house down.”

Authorities often use these laws as tools to persecute Christ-followers around the world. Vigilante mobs accuse Christians of breaking these laws and then use the supposed violation as an excuse to attack believers.

“The biggest issue is that there’s no accountability; the government doesn’t do anything to hold these people accountable,” Kelley says.

In one location where Unknown Nations trains Christian leaders, “They (assailants) were attacking a group of Christians in their home,” Kelley says.

“The mob is outside chanting, ‘Death to Christians’ and dragging people out of this home, beating them.”

A recent United States Commission on International Religious Freedom report found that nearly one in four countries has a national anti-conversion law on the books. Often, these countries are home to unreached people groups, or communities without access to the Gospel.

Partner with Unknown Nations to help change this reality.

Unknown Nations is “distributing Bibles, training leaders, doing strategic humanitarian projects” in strategic locations, Kelley says.

“99 percent of our resources, our dollars, are going into places where the Gospel is already established. We need to begin prioritizing places that have never heard of Jesus.”


Header image is a representative stock photo courtesy of Christine Roy/Unsplash.

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Extremists massacre Nigerian Christians

Extremists massacre Nigerian Christians

December 27, 2023 10:25 AM
December 27, 2023 10:25 AM


Nigeria (MNN) — Massacres have become legitimate daily threats for Christians in Nigeria.

That’s a horrifying reality, but it is reality. Again and again, religious extremists such as the Fulani herdsmen slaughter civilians. They frequently target Christians for their faith. The cost of following Christ for Nigerians is often death.

By Alex Anhalt | December 27, 2023

Nigeria (MNN) — Massacres have become legitimate daily threats for Christians in Nigeria.

That’s a horrifying reality, but it is reality. Again and again, religious extremists such as the Fulani herdsmen slaughter civilians. They frequently target Christians for their faith. The cost of following Christ for Nigerians is often death.

But according to Greg Kelley of Unknown Nations, the vicious and bloodthirsty dogma driving these attacks is leaving locals with questions. “In a lot of places like Nigeria, Afghanistan, Somalia, when the radicalization of Islam is front and center, I think even moderate Muslims start looking at that,” Kelley says. “Their worldview is challenged to the core.”

For example, the way these extremists treat women is often horrific. “People with daughters. when they see how atrocious women and females are treated, they don’t want their daughters to live in that,” Kelley says.

This leads to open minds which are ripe for sowing the Gospel. “The gospel is presented to them. [They] become very open to the message of love and peace and reconciliation. It doesn’t matter who you are, you would have an appetite for that and desire that of your family.”

When Christians are being actively hunted for their faith, there are drastic consequences for curiosity into Christianity, let alone conversion. “They realize if they’re exposed, if the proselytization of individuals sharing the gospel is exposed, there will be great consequences and they will be targeted,” Kelley says. “[And yet] they’re willing to pay that price and accept it for what they believe is a much brighter future.”

There are other obstacles to sharing Christ’s message, including illiteracy. One solution to several of those issues is audio bibles. Unknown Nations distributes thousands of solar-powered audio Bibles in localized languages. If you want to support Unknown Nations’ projects, you can do so right here.

In the meantime, pray that the radical compassion of the Gospel overcomes rampant violence in Nigeria. In the words of Kelley: “The message of Jesus is very different. It’s one of love, even for your fiercest, most aggressive enemy. Jesus called us to pray for them. And when they see that, quite honestly, it shocks and opens up their heart to the message of the Gospel.

“The key is getting into where the flames are the hottest, rushing in there, and ensuring the salvation message of Jesus.”


Header photo courtesy of Unsplash.

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How much does the Gospel cost in South Asia?

How much does the Gospel cost in South Asia?

December 12, 2023 9:47 AM
December 12, 2023 9:47 AM


South Asia (MNN) — Pakistan arrested 19 young people on blasphemy charges in 2023, according to a story circulating on several India-based news outlets. The allegations claim six kids were formally charged with blasphemy.

By Katey Hearth | December 12, 2023

South Asia (MNN) — Pakistan arrested 19 young people on blasphemy charges in 2023, according to a story circulating on several India-based news outlets. The allegations claim six kids were formally charged with blasphemy.

MNN could not verify the story, but blasphemy convictions are common in Pakistan. This summer, blasphemy accusations led to significant mob violence against a predominantly Christian neighborhood in Pakistan’s third-largest city.

Whether the recent claim by Legal Awareness Watch is valid or not, “The shock value when people see 19 children held accountable and punished over this [is compelling]; every family that is non-Muslim [is] going to be terrified,” Unknown Nations’ Greg Kelley says.

“They don’t want their children to be thrown in jail. So, it changes behavior, and that is the ultimate objective of these laws – to change the behavior and terrorize minority religions.”

Blasphemy laws provide legal grounds to persecute Christians in Pakistan. Across the border, India’s anti-conversion laws target believers. More about that here.

“They’re trying to suppress the sharing of the Gospel” in South Asia, Kelley says.

“They don’t want their children to be thrown in jail. So, it changes behavior, and that is the ultimate objective of these laws – to change the behavior and terrorize minority religions.”

Blasphemy laws provide legal grounds to persecute Christians in Pakistan. Across the border, India’s anti-conversion laws target believers. More about that here.

“They’re trying to suppress the sharing of the Gospel” in South Asia, Kelley says.

Church planters and indigenous missionaries press on despite the danger. “They’re driven by something far greater than what their eyes can see,” Kelley says.

“They’re driven by the eternal destiny of these individuals [who do not know] Jesus. When we hear about places like India and Pakistan, we need to be mindful that a lot of work needs to happen from the church’s standpoint. There are twice as many unreached people groups in India than there are in the continent of Africa.”

The Great Commission calls every believer to sacrifice. “Going” and “making disciples” could cost a believer their comfort and financial security. Or, the task could cost a Christ-follower’s life.

“Every month, we hear of one of our leaders who was killed. We don’t understand it here in America, yet it’s the reality in the places where the Gospel has not been,” Kelley says.

What can you give today? “The greatest resource is prayer. It’s not something said by different guests on Mission Network News because it sounds nice and religious,” Kelley says.

“It is a war, and the greatest weapon we have in our possession as followers of Jesus is to call down the powers of heaven, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the presence of Jesus Christ, to infuse these areas with Good News.”

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Fall 2023 Update

Fall 2023 Update

September 30, 2023 3:14 PM
September 30, 2023 3:14 PM


There is a question that every follower of Jesus should be keenly aware of and prepared to answer. That question may seem simple but its answer affects all of us who call upon His mighty name as our Lord and Savior. It provides alignment for our life, purpose for our existence and vision for us to pour our one life into! 

Dear friend, 

There is a question that every follower of Jesus should be keenly aware of and prepared to answer. That question may seem simple but its answer affects all of us who call upon His mighty name as our Lord and Savior. It provides alignment for our life, purpose for our existence and vision for us to pour our one life into! 

Why did Jesus come to the Earth? 

The beautiful thing is that Jesus himself answers this question in the gospel of Luke. 

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; he has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor; he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted and to announce that captives shall be released and the blind shall see, that the downtrodden shall be freed from their oppressors, and that God is ready to give blessings to all who come to him. - Luke 4:18-19 

Your opportunity, my friend, is to carry out this assignment to a broken world. The Holy Spirit living in you has the power to break down strongholds and to set the captives free. You’ll notice that Jesus did not just care for the spiritual need but also the physical one. Acts of compassion open hearts to the gospel! Jesus fed the multitudes and then He preached the Good News. Showing compassion for physical needs is part of Christ’s character and vital for carrying out the Great Commission. 

At Unknown Nations, we have embraced 3 specific expressions of acts of compassion as a means to open hearts to the gospel. In fact, we never carry out one of these projects in the absence of a gospel witness! Our acts of compassion are clean water projects, emergency relief and medical outreaches. 

This summer we drilled a water well in a remote village in Cambodia. This is one of the least developed countries in all of Southeast Asia. The rural villagers live a difficult life and lack basic infrastructure like clean water. As this people group, the Khmer, suffer physically, they are tragically lacking a gospel witness as only 2% know Christ. 

These primarily Buddhist people appreciate being loved and care for so much that they welcomed our indigenous leader to the dedication. He shared the gospel message and of the 21 people who attended, 13 responded and received Jesus!

To ensure long term discipleship, they were also given solar powered audio Bibles in the Khmer language. Making converts is not enough. Neither is making people more comfortable on their way to eternity. We are called to make disciples and carry out Jesus’ assignment for coming to this Earth! 

We share clean water because that is why Jesus came. We share the salvation story because that is why He died. When we bring the two together, we can obediently walk in His instruction and watch hearts that were previously closed, become open to receive His Good News!

Making Jesus known,

Greg Kelley, CEO

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Isn't The Lord Good!

Isn't The Lord Good!

August 1, 2023 4:47 PM
August 1, 2023 4:47 PM


The Lord put a calling on our hearts many years ago to be a witness among oral learners in unreached people groups. We believe that this "ends of the Earth" (Acts 1:8) calling was the last thing on Jesus’ mind before he ascended into heaven. His last words are our highest priority!

If our team had to choose a Bible verse to describe our 2023 fiscal year (July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023), we would undoubtedly choose Psalm 126:3.

"Yes, the Lord has done amazing things for us!
What joy!"

The Lord put a calling on our hearts many years ago to be a witness among oral learners in unreached people groups. We believe that this "ends of the Earth" (Acts 1:8) calling was the last thing on Jesus’ mind before he ascended into heaven. His last words are our highest priority!

Is there any better way for us to be a witness than to share the Word of God? Being a witness is testifying to what Jesus has done. Praise God that the Bible is filled with inspiration, revelation and truth regarding the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Let me share what we have done together. Together, we have sent thousands of our solar powered audio Bibles into the hardest, darkest, most spiritually antagonistic, and destitute places on earth.

In 2010 we sent 5,600 audio Bibles, bringing the Gospel to those without access.

In 2014 we sent 13,600.

In 2019… 33,400 audio Bibles.

And this past year, we sent more than 80,000! Praise the Lord! He truly has done amazing things.

As we prioritize these spiritually dark places, there will be continual opposition and rejection to the truth. That is why our strategic humanitarian projects are so instrumental. Consider the country of Afghanistan that is .02% Christian and controlled by the brutal Taliban who hunt down anyone with a Bible.

Recent flash floods in Afghanistan have cost the lives of dozens of people, destroyed hundreds of homes, and displaced thousands. These Muslim communities are being decimated and are in urgent need of assistance. Our underground church leaders on the ground are prepared to serve these dear ones and bring physical hope as they also deliver the Bread of Life in the form of audio Bibles in the Dari and Pashto languages.

Thank you again for making last year historic in so many ways.

As we celebrate, let’s continue to keep our eyes on opportunities to be his witness to the ends of the earth!

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Refugee Crisis

Refugee Crisis

July 6, 2023 4:53 PM
July 6, 2023 4:53 PM


Every 3 seconds someone is newly displaced because of war, violence or persecution. Sometimes, this displacement crosses a country line, triggering refugee status. Many times it does not, and they often remain inside their country as internally displaced people (IDP). In either case, many of these precious people, often women and children, have lost everything. They are in the most vulnerable state imaginable, thankful to flee a horrific situation with their lives.

Every 3 seconds someone is newly displaced because of war, violence or persecution. Sometimes, this displacement crosses a country line, triggering refugee status. Many times it does not, and they often remain inside their country as internally displaced people (IDP). In either case, many of these precious people, often women and children, have lost everything. They are in the most vulnerable state imaginable, thankful to flee a horrific situation with their lives. Many of the regions where these displacements occur are also without a gospel witness. They are unreached!

We believe that these humanitarian crises around the world provide a unique and unprecedented opportunity. According to the UN Refugee Agency there are more refugees and displaced people today than anytime in history. What an opportunity for the Body of Christ to mobilize for the Gospel! It will require us to go behind the chaos of barbed wire fences and prison-like conditions into a place with no organization, no political structure, and no defined village or other geographic boundary.

I was in northern Nigeria recently among the areas that Boko Haram has unleashed horrific terror on millions of people. There are literally hundreds of IDP camps. The eyes of these precious people told you everything. Most had lost an immediate family member, which made the majority of these dear ones widows and orphans.

The despair was almost palpable as we moved from family to family trying to encourage them and share the Good News. One of the buildings had fresh patches of concrete which I was told were repairs from a week prior when thugs from Boko Haram caused further terror within the camp and a suicide bomber blew himself up, killing several people and damaging the building. It is unimaginable evil. No amount of aid and financial support will heal the wounds of these people, only the incomprehensible love of Jesus!

How will we respond?

Today, a new opportunity presents itself. Another civil war in Africa – this time in Sudan – is causing unspeakable carnage and suffering. Sudan has been the most recent target of the devil. We believe the assault upon these lives is intended for complete destruction and annihilation. That is the playbook of our adversary, his agenda for the ages. 

Refugees from Sudan are fleeing across the border into Chad by the tens of thousands. Our indigenous missionaries on the ground are mobilizing to help. It is simply overwhelming. Children who have not eaten for days are clinging to their mother’s back while others are being dragged as they trek for safety. Most have nothing except the clothing on their backs. They desperately need food, as many have already succumbed to starvation. To complicate matters further, there are seasonal rains in the area so temporary shelters are vital in our response.

As our leaders share life saving supplies, they will also share solar powered audio Bibles in the Arabic language to give urgently needed food for their soul!

What a privilege to be able to stand with them in their time of need and point them to the only answer and source of eternal peace: Jesus!!

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