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From Impossible Places

India Ministry Update

India Ministry Update

August 1, 2022 4:14 PM
August 1, 2022 4:14 PM


As we passionately follow Jesus’ last four words to the “Ends of the Earth” (Acts 1:8) we’re being strategic about ministry focus and resources. India is roughly one-third the size of the United States and has the second largest global population with 1.4 billion people. In terms of strategy, India houses 41% of the world’s unreached population and has 4 times more unreached people groups than any other country in the world (Joshua Project stats). Unknown Nations partners with four indigenous leaders in India. This update recently came in about a man we’ll call “Ajay” (pictured on the right).

Ajay found Isa (Jesus in Urdu Language) by hearing the message from an audio Bible and led four of his friends to Isa Masih (Jesus Christ). Ajay comes from a village where Unknown Nations put in a well last September, providing drinking water to 60 families. He comes to the house church regularly, and has the desire to serve God, by sharing the Gospel with the villagers. - UN Partner

Our leaders are keenly aware that some of the greatest barriers hindering the Gospel are physical hardships within unreached communities. Through humanitarian outreach, like drilling a well in Ajay’s village, opportunities are created to share the gospel message through the Treasure.

Thank you for sharing the hope of Jesus!

God Bless,
Greg Kelley, CEO

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