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Stories of Impact

From Impossible Places

Testimonies From A Closed Country

Testimonies From A Closed Country

February 1, 2024 1:37 PM
February 1, 2024 1:37 PM


We received these testimonies from inside a closed country in Asia. God recently opened doors for our indigenous leaders to begin working in this area, and we’ve been so encouraged by the fruit coming from their ministry. They’ve asked us to refrain from mentioning this country’s name in any written communication. Preaching openly about Jesus is grounds for harsh punishment.

The first testimony involves a young man who had heart disease. He had spent all of his money on doctors and medicine. One day, this young man heard his neighbor playing his Treasure audio Bible and was attracted by the words coming from the device. He went near to listen, and while he stood there for 10 minutes a peace came over his mind.

As he was listening, he learned that “the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Then he started thinking, I’m dying from heart disease... and there’s a gift of eternal life. So why should I not get behind Jesus Christ? This young man fully gave his life to Jesus. He has also been completely healed from the heart disease. Praise the Lord!

The second testimony came from the man pictured above. He shared through a translator, “When I was unknown to Jesus, my life and my full family’s life was in very bad condition. No way to live, no food, no clothes, and life was fully in sin. When the pastor introduced us to Jesus, he gave us one yellow device. I and my family listened and realized that Jesus is the only way to eternal life and the Prince of Peace. We all family members dedicated ourselves in the hand of Jesus and start following Jesus.”

Please pray for these new believers as they are still very young in the Lord. Pray that the Holy Spirit would keep them safe and strengthen them day by day. Please also lift up our indigenous leaders who are risking their lives to share the gospel in this closed country. Ask God for supernatural boldness and protection as they walk forward in their ministry.

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